you guys, i am so upset! i broke my camera. it was really windy out today and the wind just knocked the camera over and the lens is stuck. this is the second one i've broken in six months. it's a good thing i don't pay a lot for cameras because i seem to use them as though they were disposable. ugh! this was just about the only shot i was able to get before the incident and i don't really like it. sorry, about that.
in other news, we're having just a blast with our family in town. the weather is phenomenal and i made a major score at the thrift store this morning. i have loads of things to update the store with if i'm able to get a new camera soon or get this one fixed.
ok, well i'm about to go on a run so i must go get my gear on.
I'm so sorry about your camera! I am always dropping mine- I bought a "weather proof" one, and so far it's held up.
On a positive note: your skirt is divine. Love!
I can't wait to see your update on your shop and I'm sorry about your camera!!! I think you look great, you made a lovely combination with your denim shirt! I've just made an inspiration post over my blog and you were one of the inspirations, if you like to see, you can check it here: http://vesaire.blog.com/2010/03/30/missing-inspirations/
so sorry to hear about your camera. this outfit is way cute tho!!
Aw no, are you going to get it fixed? Is it under warranty?! Sad face. I hope you can get it fixed for no fee! Love the bow in your hair! Hehe denim shirt? Cute!
Oh, no!! I don't know what kind of camera you're looking to replace, but this one is super awesome quality for the price as a point & shoot. it's not as good as a dslr, but the pictures it takes are awesome, and so many options! Canon PowerShot SX200 IS 12.1 MP
Oh no!! i broke my camera in october (even made a video post about it)! it is such a bummer ... i hope you are able to replace yours soon!
oh no, that is a bummer! you look great at least!
- Ana
Ooooh, can't wait to see your thrift score! Sorry about the camera; that is a serious bummer. I do love your romantic pink skirt and headband though.
Aw..im so sorry to hear about your camera. Ive been there..i hate it when that happens. To brighten up your day : you look fantastic! You should save up your pennies and get an SLR camera :) have a good rest of your day! I love your outfit..those shoes are my favorite...i like seeing you in bare legs now..glad you are taking advantage of the spring weather! x
I have a similar skirt, but mine is from Urban...so I probably had to pay way more! Jealous of your bargain. It looks so cute here! I need to try mine with a chambray top. So sorry about your camera :(
You better get a camera stat! I need my field trip to Off of Broadway every day!! Seriously, I hope that works out somehow. I love your skirt, so fabulous and cute!
~ megan
sorry to hear about your camera, hope you get it fixed!
the skirt is so cute ^^
The news about your camera is a total bummer... in lighter news I love how you styled this skirt from target. I was looking at it the other day, wondering if I should buy it and you are convincing me that I should have!
so sorry about your camera! on the upside: the outfit is AWESOME! :D
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