i wanted desperately to continue my transition into spring today, but it was cold and dreary and i lost all motivation. so instead i'm wearing a sweatshirt, pleather jacket, and scarf. sigh. i need to stop being so impatient.
if you don't read second skin, then you completely should. right before i began this post, i read christina's entry for today. she was discussing why she blogged. of course it got me thinking about why i do it. a small part of me does it for an ego boost. i love your feedback. i've said it before, but it's true: i get so excited when i get an email that one of you lovelies has left a comment for me. but really, that's a very small part.
one reason is what i alluded to yesterday. i get so much inspiration from all of you and i wanted to maybe give back some of that to those who would possibly read my blog. i know i don't have as many followers or comments or sponsors as some bloggers out there, but the response in the short time that i've been here has been way beyond my expectations. and for that i truly thank you guys.
the second, and to me the most important, reason is a sense of belonging. i live in a small town in northwest arkansas. i love it here. this town is charming and lovely and the people are warm and friendly. but, it's a small town. i am married and a mom and i sometimes stick out a bit. i'm one of the only ones not driving a van to pick up my son from preschool and i'm definitely the only mom driving a 26 year old mercedes diesel. most of my friends are stay-at-home moms and tend to wear what is comfortable and easily accessible. i don't judge them, i just don't want to dress like them. it was actually a conscious decision for me to get out of my sweats and oversized t-shirts after my son was born. and that's where blogging makes me feel like i fit in, like there is life besides small town motherhood. i have a vintage shop and so that makes me get out and dress up but i just love grabbing inspiration from around the country and the world and bringing it back home.
ok, so i know that was a bit heavy for a tuesday afternoon. thanks for listening and reading what i have to say. i hope you decide to stick around for a while!
I love reading about the reasons why people blog - I think mom fashion bloggers are the coolest!
Love this look. The scarf and belt are the perfect accessories.
loved reading your reasons too :) i joined the blogging community after noticing how many ppl on chictopia have blogs. I definitely get inspiration from all of the lovely blogs I visit, and I certainly enjoy reading about how everyone is doing. I can't say as I don't feel like I fit in where I live, as I live in a city with all sorts of people, but I definitely feel like I don't fit in at my workplace. And so I come here to interact with all the lovely people in the blogoshpere :) The thing I am having trouble with is deciding what it is that I want to post about on my blog, and also getting some decent pics of outfits to put up. Hopefully the much anticipated!! approaching spring will bring me out of my shell and get me out there with my camera. Hope the days get sunnier where you are!
You are definitely inspiring to me and I'm so glad you are blogging! The fact that you love where you live gives me hope that I will have the same one day. And I admire all of the things you have accomplished (especially the running part, oh and the business)! You are a rock star, especially in that jacket!!
Okay, that post made me almost cry! I just read your comment on Second Skin and I had to come check your blog out.
I think YOU are the reason why I blog. You and people like Christina. Not being the only mom who doesn't wear sweats! Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your outfit. And I love this post.
It is the connectedness isn't it? I think there is something about human nature that needs to share.
a mom also not wearing sweats:
i think you always look great and I wish I had more time to dress like me...but i will get back to that when I don't have kids to chase all day and I lose 10 lbs and fit into my clothes :) I even had a breakdown the other day because I miss shopping and dressing nicer...the joys of having 3 small children :) and more are probably going to come, so it might be a while....love you and your blog...and I am happy for all you are doing!
Oh, good golly, I just found your blog and I love love love it. We should maybe "trade links" once I sort out all my technological misgivings and get down to bloggy-business.
Your outfits are faaaa-a-a-a-abulous! Enthusiasm, etc.
this is such a beautiful blog post. your outfit is splendid, and i loved reading about why you blog. it's so awesome that you go out there and you get dressed the way you want and have fun with it! and there is such great support out there from other awesome bloggers and readers!
I don't think I've ever seen a sweatshirt look so stylish! I love what you did with it.
I'm glad to find a fellow "mom" blogger too. I was thinking the other day that there aren't a ton of us out there (that I know of).
Oh, and just FYI .. I found you through Christina/Second Skin too!
I'm really happy I found your blog! I have to ask--how do you get those rounded edges on your photographs? Is this a special photo editing program I don't have? Annie.
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