today's outfit was heavily inspired by starr from a thought is the blossom. i saw her beautiful floral dress over jeans, and loved how she was beginning her transition from winter to spring.
i am so enamored with dark florals, but after seeing so many soft pastels in fashion lately, i've decided to introduce a more delicate color palette to my wardrobe. ok, so i only half succeeded because i am wearing a lot of black. it's a start though, right?
and can someone tell me in who's world this could be a dress? i mean, that thing would be most indecent without something on the bottom.
anyway, i'm off to get an oil change in my car. yay.
'dress'-forever 21
Love the outfit, and love those boots so much!
I LOVE your dress!! and.... frankly I love that it's over a ton of black!! That's how I would do it for sure!
Love this outfit! The dress is really pretty and looks great on you.
My heeled oxfords are Jeffrey Cambell, I'm sure you can still find them somewhere!
I love this sheer tank top, it's so beautiful!
I love your style and looks! Your are absolutely gorgeous. You have a fabulous sens of style!!! Thanks for your comments on my blogg! The Olympics were fabulous! I felt so proud to be Canadian :) I am from Southern Alberta, if your dad likes Banff you should check out Waterton Lakes, it is just like Banff, but with less people! Anyways thanks again for the kind words!
yeah, that's a pretty short 'dress'. i was going to call it a tank! but, it's so lovely either way! i really like it belted, too.
thanks so much for all the lovely comments!
That is cool you got some great inspiration and made it your own. That dress looks great on you!
whoa! yours is soooo much better than mine. that dress (blouse, i mean. i could never make that work as a dress either) is so increidble. love the print and the material so much. reminds me of some of the sheer garments from the 20's!
so lovely lovely! :D
more of a slip than a dress, huh? I think that's what makes it work so well - no bulk! which is a prob for the dress/jean trend a lot of times. You've played this trend perfectly!
That would be such a short dress! But I LOVE how you styled it. So perfect! Saving to my inspiration folder! :)
This dress is ABSOLUTELY amazing. I love love love this outfit. I love your blog! It is fantastic!
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