i've been trolling the thrift stores for a black and white striped dress/blouse for some time now. lo and behold, one surfaced last weekend! i was super excited. and it still had the original tag on it! #winning (yeah i know my blog isn't twitter, but hashtags are just so darn fun) this blouse is from the evil twin brand. never in my life had i heard of it, but saw another blog reference them so i did some online reconnaissance. apparently it's an australian brand. how in the world it ended up in northwest arkansas at a salvation army is beyond me. i mean, this top is still on the website! anywho, i love it and will most likely wear it into the ground, as i tend to do with things that i love :)
heeeello, i spot a blouse of glory!
why o why o WHY O WHY can't I live closer to you?? and be a size 0?? can you work on both of those for me? thanks. This blouse is all kinds of fucking wonderful-expletive absolutely necessary. It's so simple yet sexy and slamming. I could see it as a sassy swim suit cover up as well. or you know.. with a super sexy harness under.. ;)
miss you mama!
Nice sheer!!
I love this!!
Aaaaah sheer + stripes! This is so, so fantastic. I am dying for a sheer, tunic-y blouse of my own, but I keep striking out. I thought maybe I'd hit gold today with a brown silk button-down, but it was a little shorter (and a lot more expensive) than I'd hoped. Le sigh!
Great thrift find in that striped blouse! That's exactly what I try to find when I go on my hunts! Just a beautiful outfit and setting!
Follow each other?
How did I not know you were in NWA? I'm in Little Rock. That tunic is one exceptional thrift store find. Who would part with such a fine article of clothing?! Their loss, your gain. xo.
maybe someone flew over from Austrailia and they died within a week and there it is! in Salvation Army. that or they send things back and forth countries regularly.
that tunic is devine. Perfect for spring summer. The sheer fabric falls so beautifully on you.
Doing research on random thrift store brands is the greatest.
that tunic is devine. Perfect for spring summer. The sheer fabric falls so beautifully on you.
Doing research on random thrift store brands is the greatest.
Beautiful... get a load of that silky sheer glory. I love it! Excited to be following :)
That is an exceptional find... I'm loving the tunic.
SHEER AWESOMENESS. (yep, i said it!)
you know what is not awesome? me congratulating myself on the wittiness of my previous comment, only to then see that is also the title of your post. #fail
Best look of the year so far!! I love this and that blouse is amazing! What a cool find at a thrift shop.
love love love! you look wonderful xx
Oh I love it and I love the way you wore it!
Great find you sassy girl, you!
WOW what an amazing find! Why can't I seem to ever find anything like that!
i LOVVVVE this dress, my dear, and you look fabulous in it!
i seriously wish we lived in the same city so that we could go vintage hunting together and swap clothes. :)
miss you!!!!
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