it is one of my greatest achievements when i find a designer piece at the thrift. especially when it's half price and comes in at a whopping $2.50. WOOT! i got these jeans at my favorite store, the manna center. it was in the 'juniors denim' section and the tag even said 'teen' on it. i think that's how they remained undiscovered. i mean, what teenage girl would buy these? they don't really scream 'high school cool girl' to me. but they do scream 'thirty year old mom.' and that's just what i am :)
thrifted jeans are fast becoming my favorite. they're already well worn and broken in. perfect. and i am embracing my love of denim right now. and really pants in general. i know that skirts and dresses are more blogger mainstream, but i think i'm a jeans girl at heart. i am most comfortable and confident in them. and isn't that what it's all about? i think so.
but it's going to be deliciously warm tomorrow so i probs will wear something short, just cuz.
You are so lucky to be able to find vintage jeans and to top it off, they fit you! Those are fantastic!
i LOVE those jeans! and you look so freakin' cute! and you're so tiny! i mean that in a good way :).
I recently found a Diane Von Furstenberg blouse thrifting (but I paid $6)! I got so excited and instantly paranoid that someone was going to snatch it right out of my hands!
I love when rich women cast off their unwanted designer duds for me to find... :)
You always find the cutest things. And you always look cute! So do you feel like a teen again?? hehehehe.
i can't believe those DVF jeans! they are fantastic on you.
Ugh, I'm quite jealous of your vintage jeans find...I'm wishing for a pair of 70s-style widelegs right now!
<3 Cambria
those jeans are stellar!!! you're so fabulous :)
Wow. What an awesome find! And you look totally fabulous and not 30 year old mom at all...you look hot chic and in young woman! I got a great deal the other day...a Moschino Cheap and Chip skirt for 7 dollars...HULLO! I would wear it on the blog...only it requires a waist. Yes...you should live closer to me. We would be great friends...until we went thrifting together, that is.
heart: K
okay, so my first comment was a "tester" to see if i was back in business :)
back to those fabulous jeans...i totally resonate with you in being a jeans gal. i love a good dress but i am most comfortable and seem to find my "niche" as far as styling goes when i throw on my favorite pair of jeans. glad i am not alone in this! now i just need a rad pair of jeans like these and i'll be in heaven! :)
I am constantly on a hunt for jeans like this, I'm so jealous you actually found a pair! They are ridiculously amazing.
What a great find! I didn't even know Diane von Furstenberg did Teenage stuff...must have been a mistake...
I didn't even know DVF made jeans, but these are stunningly cool, and so perfectly in line with your style. I love this simple warm-weather outfit. Hope you're having a great weekend!!
those pants are great, I love thrifting finds like that! the top is very pretty on you, as are the necklaces <3
You certainly do look like a jeans girl at heart. They suit you perfectly. You always manage to look both classy, chic, and a little funky at the same time. And these DVF ones with the lace top are just plain gorgeous. You're my denim inspiration. :)
Well this look is awfully familiar... ;) Our fashion heart-strings must be connected at the seams, my friend!
I'm in love with your necklaces, and that pop of turquoise from the belt just makes me swoon!
Gosh, I am so thrilled that the 70s are in right now. Just. So. Thrilled.
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