i have been secretly pining for a pair of american apparel riding pants. i've seen them on very fashionable ladies (i'm sure you've seen them too and i totally understand if you don't care for them but as it happens I LOVE THEM) but i just couldn't conceive of paying that much for those pants. i mean serious, $74? AA, i love ya, but no. so i began doing some online reconnaissance. of course, i first hit up ebay, but they never had the color i wanted in the size i wanted for the price i wanted (how dare them). then i started looking at etsy. lo and behold, i found a pair in the exact color i wanted with the exact style i wanted in my size! and the price was perfect!!!! they aren't much of a summer pant though as they are very thick, but for now.....love.
and i didn't really use this bag. actually, i used my regular bag that you guys see ALL THE TIME. but i posed with it, because a) i was bringing it to my shop to sell and 2) because of the color.
i will now talk about issue a). i'm selling it because IT'S NOT REAL! i started looking at it the other day and getting suspicious. the front duck emblem is only glued on! oh the nerve. so i looked online about how to authenticate and well, long story short, it ain't the real deal. so it's in my regular shop for real cheap. boo.
now on to issue 2). remember when i shared some of my outfit inspiration? particularly the outfit from fancy treehouse. well, i loved her whole ensemble, but what really drew me in were the colors. i loved her layering of similar shades. plus, she put a green jacket in there too. so i thought i'd throw in a little green of my own and since it was with me en route to the shop and alllllllll..........
and i do apologize for the grainy pics. i went to my usual spot and it was so flippin bright out! not complaining, mind, but much too harsh for outfit photos. i was running late and on my walk to the shop, i spied this cozy little spot. it looked promising so i set everything up and snapped away. problem was the camera settings were all wrong for the shade and thus the poor quality. i thought about redoing them later, but obvs i didn't. i kinda liked them despite the grain. just think of it as being from a 35mm. yeah, that's it. they're from a vintage FILM camera :)
blouse-thrifted ann taylor
cardigan-thrifted esprit
shoes-thrifted cole haan
bag-thrifted faux dooney and bourke
love that shirt. i've also amassed a collection of pale slouchy silk shirts for spring. now if it would only stop being winter...
I like that whole only halfway tucked shirt thing. Such a great detail and makes it look way more relax
I love these pants! They look great on you too. I have been pining as well, but also am having a hard time spending the money on them. It's good to know that they are out there for a decent price.
Those pants look sooooooo good on you! What a fabulous outfit! Love love!
way to go! i admire your thriftiness :) they look fabulous on you! i just love the whole outfit. everything is just right!
happy wednesday!
Those pants totally worth the hassle! You look frickin cute and stylish! L.O.V.E!!!
I've been wanting a pair of the aa riding pants too, but yeah, they're way over priced :(
you are so lucky you found some vintage ones!!
they look so good on you ^,^
you are SO cute! i love this blog and am following it now. LOVE your taste! ((i found you through clyde's rebirth)) just beautiful stuff here! <3 EverRubyGirl.blogspot.com
Those pants look amazing on you! I love how you styled them. Etsy is so wonderful!
Bummer about the bag! I have a DVF bag that I'm starting to suspect is not real, also...boo! :(
gorgeous blouse! this is lovely xx
You are just the stinkin' cutest!! I love this outfit. It's the perfect color palate for you and it shows off your awesome bod. The tucking of the shirt is just perfection, too. You+riding pants=awesome.
I've found several fake Dooneys and they make me so angry! It's always the duck that gives it away. So often the fake have sucks w jacked-up eyes. Dooney would never do that! :)
your outfit is gorgeous - seriously. You absolutely rock these riding pants. I love how you wrapped the blouse. looks so easy-going.
love, kimi
I hadn't noticed anything graining about your photos. I did notice that you look so pretty!
I love the pairing of similar shades. Very nice! The pants look wonderful on you. I think I would like those too, actually. Sorry about the bag :( That's a bummer.
Aah! I loooove this - the colors, the killer pants, the breezy blouse, the loafers - this is what early spring should always look like. You've also reminded me that I desperately need to find more pale floaty blouses before it gets any hotter. :)
the other emily
the riding pants look great!
those pants are FANTASTIC!!!!! major score!!! :D
ahhhh!!! you got those pants! i've wanted them forever.
they look great. glad you got a deal. aa prices are a joke now.
p.s. thanks so much for the tips on taking your own photos. i think i'm going to invest in a tripod
lovely look!
I really love these mauvey/pinks/maroon colors on you. It's your JAM.
I grew up riding horses, so I have so many of these pants around my house. I just can't bring myself to wearing them casually. It's like they're already associated with riding and I can't think of them as stylish on me.
You however are rocking them with those runners legs of yours. The WHOLE SHEBANG is A+ work Amanda.
I really love these mauvey/pinks/maroon colors on you. It's your JAM.
I grew up riding horses, so I have so many of these pants around my house. I just can't bring myself to wearing them casually. It's like they're already associated with riding and I can't think of them as stylish on me.
You however are rocking them with those runners legs of yours. The WHOLE SHEBANG is A+ work Amanda.
SUCH good colours!
Oh hey.
Me again.
I think this is the best outfit I've ever seen on the internet.
I am so in love with that blouse and its haphazard tuck-in. The VINTAGE riding pants, and your hair, the flats. Dear me, it's literally perfect.
I hate to be so crude and vulgar, but were I Matt, I would have ravished you this day. True story.
I ADORE this outfit. I mean, salivating adore. Total adore. Love love love adore. Will have to get some of those pants myself for the fall! And sad about the bag. I hate fake things...seems just so insincere to me. Offensive somehow...don't get why really.
But yes, you look AWESOME.
that is so sad about the bag!!! oh goodness. I love how your expression on your face looks in the first shot! so pretty!
I have that exact shirt, that I also thrifted. I wore it today in fact. I love your take on it.
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