and i was so very happy to get to send out my first etsy purchase! yay!!! sweet christina from second skin is getting some pretty fierce leopard wedges in the mail very soon.
i'm gearing up for a big giveaway at my shop this weekend. my one year anniversary is saturday and i'll be drawing one lucky name for a herman miller shell chair. so, if you are in the area go by my shop in siloam springs and put your name in. if you're not in the area, sorry. i just don't want to have to ship it!
shirt-purchased from banana republic ages and ages ago
belt-vintage from ebay
bracelet-bought in bolivia given to me by my father-in-law
skirt-urban outfitters
boots (i know, i know. you've seen them a hundred times)-vintage from ebay
headband-felix and jayne (click link above to their etsy shop)
i adore the touches of brown in this outfit! :D
cute skirt and love your blog, would you like to trade links?
congrats on your one year, girl! i am currently in the process of arguing with my landlord about electrical issues...does it ever get easier?!?!
This look is adorable! I love your hair on the pictures; they do not look out of control to me! :)
-Coco from Our Paper Moon
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