song of the day: 'welcome to the jungle' by guns n' roses
yesterday was a pretty relaxing day of a little thrifting, lunch at a fab sushi restaurant, and sitting on a bench looking out at the hudson full of sailboats and seagulls. it was bloody hot, but a really pretty and sunny day. in the evening we had to go to the rehearsal at the little chapel where the wedding will be held on sunday. the place doesn't have air conditioning!!!!! we were all sweating like pigs. the wedding is at 3:00 in the afternoon. i have no idea what we're going to do. pass out most likely.
today i went back into the city with a friend who'd never been before. i thought it brilliant that i, one who has been to manhattan a whopping 3 times, got the pleasure of showing her around the town. armed with my trusty iphone, i google mapped us all around the place and we never once got lost. we shopped till our feet were sore. it was a great day. i bought this skirt on thursday when we went shopping and i love it! i wish i would've debuted it in a better way though. it's so super cute. i was just running out of clothing that was appropriate for 93 degrees in a big sweaty city. so i had to break it out even if a bit prematurely.
and so right now i am sitting in my hotel room watching 'bridget jones' diary' and drinking wine by myself. matt had some bachelor partying to do so i am left to my own devices. i ran on the treadmill, showered, pulled on some clothes, walked to target, almost bought a pair of jeggings, but then did buy a sandwich, and walked back and plopped down on the bed. excellent.
tank-old navy a long time ago and really i usually only run in it
skirt-kimchi blue, urban outfitters
oh, and the fine people over at weardrobe felt it was fitting to bestow upon me the honor of being in the spotlight today!!! i was so super surprised and excited. i mean, really i'm just me: a silly girl who lives in arkansas and is only mildly cool. stuff like this just never happens to me and sweet paige was the first to let me know! she texted me last night to congratulate me and i couldn't believe it. but then i got an email from weardrobe and then i caught on that it wasn't truly a prank. how cool is that?!