Wednesday, September 22, 2010

what would you say if i took those words away

song of the day: 'more than words' by extreme
boy do i have writers block today! i've had this post open for about 3 hours. i'll keep coming back to it, stare at it, and nothing. just nothing. i don't know what the deal is. i'll read other blog posts, hoping to get inspired. still nothing. jeepers!!! it's like a mid-week slump or something.
i guess i can let you know that i will be updating the shop today. so please wait with bated breath and on the edge of your seat for that. i'm telling you, there are some gems in this one. you truly won't want to miss it.
but that's a pretty good song of the day, eh? here's a little something extra for you. every time i hear this song, i am compelled to sing it. and i sing the harmony. LOVE IT. so if ever you are around me, and 'more than words' comes on the radio (or an ipod or whatever), just get ready. you will hear me belt it. fair warning.
dress-worn as skirt from little ocean annie
socks-urban outfitters
shoes-thrifted dexters


Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I'm HUGE on harmony. I can easily come up with a couple various harmonies to a song. It is just so much fun. Love this outfit.

Jessica said...

I just started reading your blog and I think it's great! All of your outfits are always wonderful and I definitely know how you feel about the writer's block!

Ana said...

Adorable schoolgirl look! I never know what to write...

Meggstatus said...

I understand this completely, I have an entire room filled with clothing, and yet have been feeling uninspired as well. Maybe it's the change of the season or something. I'm sure it will all come back to you soon!


Carys said...

How funny that you know someone from the Isle of Wight! I love your outfit too, especially the white socks and loafers, so cute!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Daisy said...

Lovely outfit, I really like the first photo !

Kimberellie said...

Ah! Amanda, I love you I love you I love you. Seriously, I just want to steal all your clothes and your style and your youness! AWESOME times a million. You are fantastic and brilliant.

this outfit makes me want to cry it is so perfect. really. sob. I love it.

heart: miss furnellie