Monday, September 13, 2010

i'm not sick but i'm not well

song of the day: 'paranoia' by green day
so i'm sitting here with a sick kiddo and watching scooby-doo. i hate it when he's sick. it doesn't happen often, thankfully, but when it does, it just breaks my heart. this is a child who will not sit still, always up playing and running around, and now he is just laying on the couch with flushed cheeks and glazed eyes. saddest thing you've ever seen.
i was hoping to be uber productive today, doing a long run, listing the rest of my etsy stuff, taking more pictures, cleaning the house, etc. but you know, maybe i need a sick day too. yeah, i'm feeling a bit under the weather. yep. certain i have a fever. getting kinda achy. i think i need to sit with my kiddo and medicate by catching up on blog reading. uh huh. that sounds like a great way to pass the day.


Ana said...

Aw, Im sorry you and your kiddo aren't feeling great! I hope you get well soon. Your outfit is gorgeous, as always!

archives vintage said...

awh, poor little guy! and poor amanda, too! rest up and feel better :)

Hen said...

Get well soon to him!
Your outfit is lovely!

merl said...

I've missed you. But now I'm home again and stalking that fucking adorable cape in your etsy and even though my bank account is screaming obscenities at me, I'm thinking I need to have it. stay tuned.

I'm sorry your little man is sick.. definitely means you need to veg with him and blog/watch tv all day. In fact, I think I should do the same just to make you feel better.

Lastly.. stop with the hair. It just taunts me with the volume and sass. It makes me want to get a perm and chop mine off, just to look like a sad imitation of your glorious mane. It's not nice Amanda, to taunt me with that kind of perfection.

C said...

Aw, poor little man and poor you. I hope you both feel better pronto.

In the meantime, you look adorable.

Kimberellie said...

first off, feel better you too! And yes, it is SO HARD to have your little one sick! It IS heartbreaking. I think you need to be a mother to really understand this. I know I didn't before I was a mom. I now get why my mom STILL gets all concerned when I tell her I'm not feeling well!

secondly, wow, this outfit is AWESOME. Something about it is just so darn cool I can't even describe. LOVE IT.

heart: moi, Miss Furnellie

Anonymous said...

If you have to feel unwell (and it's always a bummer when you do), at least you look fabulous in these photos. Love the outfit, particularly with the shoes. Such a cute combo.

Hope you and your son are feeling better by now!