Monday, September 6, 2010

i feel it in the air, the summer's out of reach

song of the day: 'the boys of summer' by don henley
it feels like saturday. which is fantastic for this morning, but i'll be bummed out tonight when i realize that tomorrow is not another day off. oh well. for now, it's early and i'm relaxing with coffee and chatting with all of you. i don't want to take up too much of your time though. since for those of us in the states, it's a holiday. and who wants to spend their labor day inside reading long-winded blog posts? well in truth i would, but that's just me. here the day is bright and clear. a fantastic unofficial last day of summer. so i guess i should use my remaining time on this post to bid adieu to summer.
you were good to me this year. maybe a bit too warm at times, but i loved you all the same. you came and went too fast this time around though. maybe next year you'll linger? that would be great. please tell your friend winter to not be too rough on us. i'd really appreciate that. so, have a good time in the southern hemisphere. i know they're pretty excited to see you.
tee-american apparel


The Semi Sweet said...

I love Fall too, but the ending of summer is always bittersweet. I have so many regrets! I never even bought a bathing suit this year! hahaha!! Anyways, your outfit is cute and pretty. I love those jeans!

archives vintage said...

i know...ive been wanting fall so badly, but i know in a few months i'll be wishing for spring. :/

C said...

I love this little farewell to summer post! I've been lamenting the heat all summer, but I'm sure that as soon as I get a few goosebumps I'll be wishing for the sunshine again! :)

Also, I LOVE this outfit! I have similar pants and I'm totally going to channel this next time I wear them!

Fashion Matters said...

uuh amazing outfit!


KristiMcMurry said...

Adorable outfit, and I hope you had a GLORIOUS labor day. It was such a wonderfully relaxing day around here...

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I love these pants!


great style!

Kimberellie said...

LOL! I love how you sent the sun to the southern hemisphere! Ha! Plus, you look totally awesome here. Those pants are just wow on you!