song of the day: 'the distance' by cake
tomorrow, the fam is packing up and driving to branson, missouri. after 18 weeks of training, matt's half-ironman is sunday morning. and boy is he ready to get it over with! he's expecting it to take him around 6 hours to complete the course. for those of you unfamiliar with the distance, it's a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13.1 mile run. pretty intense. i am very happy to be on the sideline, cheering and not participating. but i'm super proud of him for all the hard work he's put into his training. it's not been easy, lots of double workouts and stuff, but it's all going to pay off come sunday afternoon when it's done and he can feel the pride of accomplishment. so i wear my 'beards are sexy' shirt today in honor of my amazing husband. because he has one and he is :)
shirt-gift, handmade from etsy
skirt-vintage dress with the top rolled down
bag-vintage, thrifted
Aw, what a lovely way to show support for your hubs! I hope his half-ironman goes well, it sounds epic! I ran a half marathon a few months ago and that was exausting in itself. I can't imagine adding a bike ride and a swim to that as well!
wow, that sounds INTENSE! good luck and travel safely!!!
This skirt is awesome! Such a great color on you.
The third shot is so very nice.
Have a safe trip! Good luck to your man!Love the tee!
Ack! You are so cute. All I've ever wanted is your exact haircut. Adorable. My hair is so fine and straight it would just never work, but I may try anyway. LOVE your outfit. Love everything.
love ur skirt xx
oh no, i never heard of that organization you told me about! I have heard of many many many that I've researched over the past few years because I check news and organizations out pretty much every day or at least every other day. Thanks so much for the links. I'll look into that. and thanks for the comment too. That's great you know someone who works for that organization. I know someone who works for http://restorenyc.org in NYC (20 minutes from where I live) I really appreciate it. They are about to get their first safehouse up.
Good luck to your husband! What a great accomplishment that will be. It makes me tired just thinking about it!
I love this color pallet, it's so pretty!
ah!!! Amanda! I LOVE this. You are so dressing right up my alley lately! Not literally mind you, that would be strange, and exhibitionist, and unlikely.
Oh, beautiful beautiful outfit and beautiful beautiful you.
heart: miss furnellie
Good luck to your husband! I can't even begin to imagine the discipline it would take to do what he's doing. (I can't even run a mile. It's sad really.) And you, by the way, look great. I love the tee + pretty feminine skirt. It totally works!
Drooling over here in NJ....
Eleanor @ Shopping The Closet
Classically pretty :)
such a cute skirt!
I NEED that t-shirt. This is such a cute outfit!
oh, you're so adorable my dear! good luck to hubby! have a safe trip, too. oh and i'll let you know how the 5k goes. i'm not doing it to better my time...i'm not even really prepared for it! eek!
Thanks so much and I think you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute. I'll be YOUR stalker. (:
I love your outfit! It's very cute and very unique. I love the colours. They go very well together.
That's a neat way to wear a dress. I have never thought to do that before! Hope your hubs did well! That sounds like a lot of hard work.
Love that cute tshirt with that amazing skirt/dress! so soft and feminine and retro but still current!
I gave you a sunshine award on my blog, check it out! :D
Hi! Congrats to your husband! I am sure that will be very exciting to watch and will fill your heart with more love for that bearded man! and Heeeeey, your birthday is just over a week? What day? and 31 as well right? or 30? Did we talk about this before? are you a libra then?
oh and by the way, I can pretty much guarantee you are in better physical fitness shape than I am you runner you. and you look unbelievably young and hot so pishaw. You my dear are an inspiration.
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