song of the day: 'blame it on the rain' by milli vanilli
did she just pull out the boots??? yes, huh, i did. rainy and a little bit cool, i felt it appropriate. one of my pet peeves is getting the bottom of my jeans wet on a rainy day. you know what i'm talking about: you inadvertently step in a puddle, and the hem of your pants get wet and then the wet just starts to travel up the back of your leg. seriously, makes me crazy! plus, i hate wearing sandals in the rain cuz my feet start to slide around in my shoes and i feel like i might fall on my face. actually, let's just be honest. i hate rain. there i said it. i do.
thankfully, the sun is starting to peek out though. you like my cute little picture timeline? i'm adorable :)
and today is a pretty exciting day around my household. do you know why? should i just go ahead and tell you? FOOTBALL!!!!!!!! yep, the 2010 season kicks off tonight and i can't wait! woohoo!!!! been looking forward to this since february.
shirt-rodarte for target
Great pictures. I love the boots with the shorts:) If it wasn't so beastly hot in Va I would've tried that look too.
OH my god, why are you the cutest thing EVER!!! This is the absolute perfect rainy day outfit.
You have my freaking number with this outfit! I can't believe you own the exact boots I would give my eyeball for. but of course you do. This whole combo is extraordinary!
I love your raincoat. I had a yellow one when I was little, iconic for me everysince. :)
gorgeous!! Your legs look a mile long!! Can't say I share the football enthusiasm though :o)
you have adorable legs. Is that a weird compliment? But really! They are so cute and I am SOOO jealous haha. I love your yellow jacket- I bought a yellow one for fall and I can't wait to wear it!
LOOVE this!! you are soo cute!!
perfect xoxo
The yellow raincoat makes me insanely happy! You look great and I'm dying for those boots!!
This is insanly adorable!! and YES getting the bottoms of your jeans wet TOTALLY sucks a$$,ew, I hate wet socks the most! BUT I absolutley LOVE the rain for the snuggle factor... and what starts in a month!? HOCKEY season!! wooop :)
adorable outfit! You and I share the same opinion about wet pants and rain. If it's raining, I'm either barefoot or wearing boots!
you're so adorable! i love the photo time line too - it's so cute :).
lyndsey of hellolyndseyyy.blogspot.com
i love this! you look so freaking adorable. for hating the rain so much, you sure make it look like you were happy to go out in it. ;)
how was football?! i'm not a big fan...sorry. i only sort of like it for ONE reason...FALL.
This is sooooo darling :) I love the unexpected shorts/boots combo too...especially with the splash of yellow raincoat!
I didn't used to be a football fan...but now that I'm dating an Alabama boy? It's hoo-rah, Crimson Tide :D
This series of pictures is so adorable! And those boots...so good. Ah, it's all so great, I love it! Inspiration-rama!
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