song of the day: 'sweet baby james' by james taylor
so this is what our teeny little snow looked like late yesterday afternoon. although the temperature was a balmy 22 degrees at the warmest, a lot of snow melted with the sun. at 4:00 there wasn't much to be had except what was in the shadows. of course that also made photo taking FLIPPIN FREEZING. that's why you don't ever see my hands. i'm trying desperately to keep them from frostbite! but i know how fortunate i am and i hope that all of you in the boston area are safe and warm :)
and i don't wanna be all 'me, me, me. i'm the best' but i will say that my hair looked awesome yesterday. just wanted to put that out there. usually the winter is not kind to me and my hair will get dull and stringy because it's so dry. i don't know what it was, but i kinda felt pretty!
matt suggested i do more artistic cropping. so here's my attempt at it.
there's kind of a lot of pictures today. i'm telling you, it's because i felt pretty. keep that in mind: lots of pictures=i feel pretty, few pictures/not looking at camera=NOT feeling pretty. simple formula.
dress-urban outfitters via ebay
cardigan-esprit, thrifted
sweater-vintage, thrifted
scarf-yarn over movement
boots-vintage via ebay
leggings, socks-walmart
I love so much the new appearence of the blog!!!! And I like such artistic pictures ;) go on!
Lovely outfits your last ones, I've been lazy for some days and when I get back there are a lot of wonderful pictures!
Lovely colors in this one!!!!! I adore blue!!!!
Love the dress, especially with the belted cardigan over it!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
I totally do the same thing. When I'm feelin' all hot stuff, I end up with way more pictures that I'm happy with, and TONS more actually looking at the camera.
You do look gorgeous today, and I'm glad you didn't freeze your little fingers off showing us how purty you are! :)
Beautiful :) Love the blues and lush layering
The dress you're wearing is gorgeous. I'm not used to you wearing these types of colors. . the cool colors. You're always more of a warm person. hehe.
You always look pretty! Promise :) I love the outfit...lots of great layers. You snow looks about like ours does today. Hope you enjoyed it!
awh, your nose looks so red and cold!!! love how the snow compliments your outfit.
now all i have in my head is "i feel prettyyyyyy, oh so pretty!" :)
You felt pretty 'cause you look pretty ;) That colour blue is your colour...very flattering, and the perfect accent piece to pull your outfit together. Like your new layout, btw!
<3 Cambria
I agree with Matt--more of the cropping. You DO look pretty. Beautiful contrast between your hair and the blue scarf, plus the scarf makes your eyes look VERY blue.
Love the layers and layers... it's the only way that I feel I have a chance against winter.
And yeshhhh... your hair is mighty nice today. Many pictures are approved!
You look so pretty and wintery! And yes the hair is extra floaty and lovely in these pics!
I really like the proportions of this outfit, the oversized cardigan with the over the knee socks and boots! So lovely but gosh if I lived where it snowed I would just give up on taking outfit photos for a few months, im such a wuss when its cold out!
Man, I love James Taylor.
Nice layering!!
you should feel pretty every day...you look fabulous in all your posts. i understand though, i have many fugly days, lol!
i really like the way you put outfits together! i love your socks and boots combo but you've got the legs to pull it off. i love the combination of blues here too. *thumbs up*
Wow, I always love your looks but this outfit is just crazy perfect. The print dress under the slimmer belted cardigan with a toasty oversized one on top, over the knee socks with tights and boots (admittedly a personal favorite of mine), the big chunky cowl with just a peek of gold jewelry - perfection. All the colors and proportions are working together in harmony. Now I just want to immediately locate every remotely similar piece I have so I can make this a new go-to formula for cold-weather dressing!
And I totally correlate the number of pictures I post with how pretty I'm feeling too :) Your hair does look especially gorgeous here.
the other emily
great outfit like it soo mcuh!
oh what a stunning layered look!
Yay! I am your 300th follower. I'm loving every last one of your outfit posts. So cute!!!!
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