song of the day: 'blue skies' by ella fitzgerald
thanks for all the get well wishes the other day! they must have done the trick because i'm feeling a ton better.
yesterday afternoon, i took outfit pictures at the end of my friend's driveway! interesting, huh? well, i picked up her daughter from school and after dropping her at home, i decided to whip out the tripod and snap a few. of course isaiah was with me too and that always makes for an interesting photo shoot. he was in so many of the shots that i either cropped out or didn't use. he was playing in the gravel and throwing sticks around and basically making mayhem in the background. boys.
but unlike you unfortunates in the northeast, we've had gorgeous weather the last few days. sunny and clear skies and much warmer temps. gives me the hint of spring....
this is when isaiah picked up a huge tree limb and started waving it around. i'm in the middle of saying, 'dude, what're you doing?'
jacket-someone brought in to my shop
jeans-topshop, ebay
shirt-thrifted american apparel
shoes-urban outfitters
i love this look so much, with the sweater over the blouse! and great shoes!!
hahah, i love your "dude, what are you doing" photo!
Gaaah, love those spectators with the cuffed pants! Too bad I'm about a million miles from the nearest UO...
the other emily
You look so effortlessly cool. I love your shoes and your sweater! So good..I wish my legs were longer so I could look this good in jeans. Hope your having a great week, glad you're feeling better!! xo
hahaha I love that "Dude, what are you doing?" shot. Your pants with your shoes are so cute. I love that you took pictures in your friend's driveway.
I love Ella Fitzgerald.
I love these shoes Amanda! They look perfect for dancing in!
I like your stories about being a mom, so funny and cute! It sounds like you have so much fun with your family!
Me encanta tu outfit.... los zapatos son geniales!
Ha Ha! Awww..... The Dude What Are You Doing picture is hilarious. And this look is so beautifully charming I can barely stand it.
I love the shoes.
The whole thing has a very sweet cool-guy-from-the-50s vibe. I like it. a lot.
Haiku Ambulance
I havent seen the sun in days!!
Your shoes are so great! I love the vintage feel of your outfit. :D
another effortless chic outfit :) I love the casual preppy vibe!
I feel like this outfit so perfectly embodies the 70s preppy vibe you mentioned in your comment to Katie's guest post on my blog. I love it!
Ohhhhh this is such a cute outfit! And i freakin love that dude, what're you doing? photo. Boys... hahahaha. it's so funny because I make that face at my BOYFRIEND all the time (and I'm assuming Isaiah is your son? haha.) Luckily he doesnt wave around huge tree limbs but when he did (once in a blue moon) take my outfit pics, half would be of me scowling at him.
AND you need to share some short hair photos! Yeah... hair is strange... my hair SUCKED and then just started getting wavy-ish then eventually nice curls... then i cut it all off when i love it the most. hahaha why? who knows, emotional year maybe? I just want a wig of my own long hair that way i can go back and forth whenever i please.
p.s. Zoe is SO RIGHT ON.
a very sweet cool-guy-from-the-50s vibe.
love the shoes! so comfy looking. you look very cheeky cool! happy weekend.
B So Chic!
love the sweater with the shirt under it and the lengths and shoes and jacket. and LOVE.
very very cute.
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