song of the day: 'long day' by matchbox 20
ah...it's friday. and around here, that means there's no food in the house. seriously. i had peanut butter and honey on the last piece of pita bread for breakfast this morning. but that's nothing that a trip to the grocery can't fix so i have no need to complain. especially since it's gonna be in the 60s the next two days!!!!!!!!!!!! i know, what the heck right? so awesome. but the bottom's gonna fall out on the temps next week. so i'll soak up as much warmth and sunshine as i can to tide me over till spring. i'll even try to bottle it and send it up north :)
sweater-vintage, thrifted
loafers-cole haan, thrifted
Love all the blues in this outfit. They look so vibrant!
Melanie@Unravelled Threads
Follow @UnraveldThreads on twitter!
Yes, please send the warmth up north! :) Really like bright blue on you, suits you well! Happy Friday!!
oooh oooh the vintage sweater! Love, I could really use that right about now, I'm freezing over here!
You look almost summery in this outfit! So exciting that it's going to be warm outside for the next two days!
I am just leaving to go on a marathon grocery trip, a Trader Joes pilgramige! It's 1.5 hours away but I am so excited to get some nice organic food. Yum! Have fun on your grocery trip!
i love the cardigan! so cute.
Pretty outfit, especially love the shoes!
I love the blue sweater! It so bright ^^ x
we're currently food-less, as well. i've been eating yams for two straight days now.
love your sweater! you wear bright colors so well.
love all the blues. and the browns. LOVELY. and YES, I want that sunshine. gimmee gimmee gimmee
wow the 60s for weather. that does sound lovely. It was in the 10s this week. hehehehe. I love your sweater. So gorgeous. You find the prettiest things! Is this something Matilda would wear?
I really love the blue on blue in this outfit!! And your sunny pictures make me nostalgic for a land free of snow and ice.
this might be one of my favorite outfits of yours! the colors are brilliant and it looks so cosy!
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