on monday, matt and i went with his parents and sister and her family to visit crystal bridges art museum. it opened on 11.11.11 and features works by renowned american artists from the colonial era to modern day. the museum was founded by alice walton (the late sam walton's wife, founder of walmart) and includes a lot of her personal collection. the grounds are beautiful and the architecture is just stunning. for northwest arkansas, this is a pretty big deal. i'm certain that most people don't think of arkansas as being a cultural mecca of any sort. but truly, our area boasts some gorgeous scenery and some very creative people too. and having walmart money around doesn't hurt either :)
i thought i'd share some of my favorite pieces from the collection. the installation in the photo below was particularly awesome. it was created from spools of thread suspended by cables!! it's a depiction of the last supper but upside down. there was a ball of glass in front of the piece to look through which would show it right side up. i thought it was just brilliant.
you know what else is brilliant? matt in front of the striped painting. you know, just sayin'.

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