i rarely wear heels because they tend to hurt my feet too much but these have a low profile so i can stand them longer than most. and i really love the peeptoe! but this is what i wore at my shop today. i didn't make it clear in my meet and greet post, but my shop is called amandromeda. that is my name on chictopia. i use it for everything. it dates back to high school and that was quite some time ago! but here we are on our way out between rain showers. it rained all day so we had to wait until almost dark to take outside pictures. i really want to do more of them. i haven't posted one outside pic on chictopia, but i am determined to start. the handsome fella in the last pic is my husband matt. he's posed in front of his '82 volkswagon rabbit that we call "high life." i'm chilling in front of my '84 mercedes named "pauli girl." we do love our cars.
the first picture is right outside our front door. we live above a flower shop. i love how the stop sign in the background glows like the sun. but isn't my street charming?
I discovered your Chictopia blog a few weeks ago and am thrilled to discover you've now got a blog proper! Absolutely love your style. It's fun and it's wearable (which is more than I can say for a lot of Lookbook profilers!)
Keep 'em coming!
Oh, and I am so digging your vintage cars. VWs and Mercs drive beautifully and run forever - we've owned both makes (including a 20-year old Merc) and can attest to that. My grandfather drives a Merc model that looks very similar to yours!
thanks so much! and yes, we love our vintage cars. sometimes they are a lot to take care of but they are totally worth it!
hey! here you are! linking you as we speak....
not sure if it was intentional or not, but you may have kicked j.crew's ass at their own styling game with this outfit.
that is the best comment ever!!!!
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