the year of the flood by margaret atwood. it's SO different than what i had expected but still so intriguing and engaging. margaret atwood is a phenomenal writer. thanks to all of you who introduced me to her :)

to the civil wars. and may i just say obsessed?? ugh. they are so good. and they're playing in tulsa this week!!! but the show is sold out and i can't go. if you haven't heard of them, run don't walk to itunes and take a listen. you won't be sorry.

coffee out of my newest mug.

my patriots in the afc championship game this sunday!!!!!! oh my. so pumped. i'm giddy like a little girl before christmas. THEY HAVE TO WIN!!

angry birds. yeah yeah yeah. i'm a bit late to this party. i just started playing it on vacation and got seriously hooked. had to buy the full version. i'm like rabid when i play. it's kind of a problem.

for fun. had a great opportunity to run boston this april but it's just not a smart move right now. so i'm trying to find another race this spring. something close by. maybe okc?? don't know. but i'm loving my shorter runs right now :)

looking at
a beautiful clear blue sky.

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